Notino Web apps | Coderama
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Notino Web apps

Notino Web apps

In the 18 years of Notino's existence, the company has become one of the largest perfume and cosmetics online store in Europe. Nowadays, the company provides its services in 28 countries around the world. The offer consists of 83,000 unique products from 1,500 global and smaller local brands. Customers purchased 77 million products from Notino in 2021 alone.

Notino (Czech Republic)
Type of project
Web application
2019 -


We are constantly developing several web applications for Notino. One of the applications is the development of the web app itself, through which Notino's customers can shop. We are also developing the integration of the Notino backend system for different transporters in all countries. Another integration we are developing for Notino is the connection of different payment providers. However, we are not only focusing on the e-shop, but we are also providing the development of internal client applications used for accounting, pricing, logistics and others.


During the implementation of the project, we continuously develop applications and make improvements in all areas of the company. We work in a scrum that runs in two weekly cycles (sprints). At the beginning of each sprint, there is a planning session where we create a backlog that we are to work on together with the product owner . The developers gradually choose tasks from the backlog. During the sprint, backlog refinement takes place several times, where we evaluate if we have hit any obstacle that would prevent us from meeting the goal. The scrum includes various ceremonies: every day there is a stand up where developers tell each other what they are currently working on and what they will work on next. Several times during a sprint there is also a grooming where we review tasks for the next sprint. The entire sprint is then concluded with a retrospective, where the team evaluates if the sprint was successful or if something went wrong during the sprint.


The apps we develop for Notino adhere to the highest standards and best practices. Apps are handling up to 100,000 requests per minute in the peak. Apps we develop have to meet high availability requirements, with availability up to 99.8% of the time.

Word from the developer

During the few years I have been working for the Notino, I have been able to participate in development of a large number of features that the web application provides, and for some of them I had the opportunity to act as a solution architect. I enjoy working at Notino because I have the opportunity to work on both the frontend and backend, and I have the opportunity to architect and design one of the largest e-commerce sites in Europe. The Notino project allows us to realize ourselves and continue to get better at what we all love.

Jakub Slonka

Full-stack Developer



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