Incorporating sport into company culture: connecting team and health | Coderama
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Incorporating sport into company culture: connecting team and health

Alexandra Gálfyová|14.03.2024

In today's article, we look at the importance of incorporating sport into company culture, specifically in the field of IT. We will show how regular physical activity and team sports can improve not only the physical but also the mental health of employees, increase employee satisfaction and foster teamwork. We will present the example of Coderama, a company that successfully combines work in the IT sector with a commitment to health and sport, creating a dynamic and supportive working environment. You will learn how you can create a similar environment in your company, where sport serves not only as a form of relaxation, but also as a tool for building a better team.

it developers on go-karts

Incorporating Sports into Company Culture: Connecting Team and Health

When we talk about the health of IT professionals, we can't overlook the importance of a company culture that encourages sports and physical activity. Creating an environment where sport is not only encouraged but also part of the corporate identity has a huge impact on employee health and satisfaction. Sports activities have a positive impact not only on the physical health of employees, but also on their mental health. Exercising together, playing team sports or participating in running races allows employees to spend time outside the work environment, which can lead to better understanding and cooperation. A team that trains and competes together often develops trust and communication skills, which carries over into the work environment. Additionally, playing sports together can improve team morale and help create a positive and energetic atmosphere in the company.

Coderama: How our company connects IT and sports

At Coderama, we're not just about coding and technology. We're also committed to health and teamwork. That's why we've combined IT and sports into a unique combination that helps us create a dynamic and healthy work environment. Our courage didn't just stop at keyboards and monitors. We take part in football tournaments between IT companies and take on challenges such as the relay run from the Tatras to the Danube. In this way, we show our commitment to team spirit and health. But that's not all.

We regularly organize sports activities as part of our team building for our employees, and whether it is sports games or survival challenges, they are always associated with physical activity. In this way, we develop strong bonds between team members and strengthen our collective energy. Every year we organise an active family day, which we open up to our employees and their families. This day is full of fun, sports and adrenaline, encouraging the sharing of experiences outside the work environment.

At Coderama, we believe that sports is not just about exercising the body, but about strengthening the mind and team spirituality. These activities help us to increase creativity, improve collaboration and overall increase productivity. And these are key factors for innovation and success in the fast-changing world of IT. At Coderam, it's not just about coding, it's about a lifestyle connected to IT and sports that moves us forward.

programmers and it developers on a course of presence

Alexandra Gálfyová

Marketing manager

Marketing Manager who is passionate about social media, web and marketing at CODERAMA.